Twitch, Reddit, and Facebook address hate speech

As the ice cream truck rolls by down the jersey shore, Kenny Gold hosts another 5 Things. This week, the team focuses mostly on platforms like Twitch, Reddit, and Facebook curbing hate speech, and Twitter and Instagram roll out new features. 
Your #5Things for this week includes:
  1. Twitch Temporarily Banned Donald Trump 
  2. Reddit Banned ‘The_Donald’ Subreddit
  3.  Facebook Outlined Efforts to Address Platform Hate Speech
  4. Twitter Tested Collaborative Fleets
  5. Instagram Tested a Full-Screen Stories Display 
To read more about the topics discussed on the podcast checkout the The Verge, The New York Times, Social Media Today, DIW, and another story from Social Media Today
Check out the #5Things newsletter on LinkedIn
Panel includes Kenny Gold, Ish Traore, and Beth Rolfs. 

Twitch, Reddit, and Facebook address hate speech
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